- MCBs
- Load Break Switches (LBS)
- Change Over Switches (COS)
- Fuses
- Touch Screen
- Sensors
- Inverters
- Induction Motors
- Joint enclosures
- Heat shrinkable tubing and Shape & insulating Material
On PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Comments Off on PNEUMATIC /HYDRAULIC CONTROL No tagsPneumatic/Hydraulic Control is alternative control system, where transducer media are air (pneumatic) and liquid fluida/oil (hydraulic). This system generally use to move any cylinder as power through the valve control otherwise the regulator, where Electronic control combined by convensional system or by Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
Kontrol Pneumatic/Hydraulic adalah system control alternative, dimana media transfer berupa udara (Pneumatic) dan fluida cair/oli (Hydraulic). Sistem ini umumnya untuk menggerakan cylinder sebagai beban melalui kontrol valve maupun regulator,yang dikombinasikan atau dengan Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).
Pneumatic/Hydraulic Control is alternative control system, where transducer media are air (pneumatic) and liquid fluida/oil (hydraulic). This system generally use to move any cylinder as power through the valve control otherwise the regulator, where Electronic control combined by convensional system or by Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Kontrol Pneumatic/Hydraulic adalah system control alternative, dimana media […]
On PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Comments Off on MOTOR CONTROL CENTER (MCC) No tagsMCC berfungsi sebagai pusat panel untuk menghidupkan, menghentikan dan memonitor kerja-kerja motor. Tiga bagian MCC, busbar, komponen dan outgoing membuatnya mudah untuk dijalankan dan dirawat.
MCC functions as a central panel to start, stop and monitor operations of all motors. The three chambers, busbar, component and outgoing provide easy acces and maintenance.
MCC berfungsi sebagai pusat panel untuk menghidupkan, menghentikan dan memonitor kerja-kerja motor. Tiga bagian MCC, busbar, komponen dan outgoing membuatnya mudah untuk dijalankan dan dirawat. MCC functions as a central panel to start, stop and monitor operations of all motors. The three chambers, busbar, component and outgoing provide easy acces and maintenance.
If you want to start and stop without inrush current, the best solution is using electric start or soft starter do the stop smoothly (without inrush current) and this can adapt automatically on all current condition so can hider machinery loss. This pane assembled as main component and added with safety component (like MCCB/MCB) also any control component (like contactor) which operate current or motor.
Jika anda menghendaki start dan stop tanpa hentakan (inrush current) maka solusi yang terbaik adalah menggunakan start electronik atau soft starter. Soft starter menghasilkan start dan stop secara halus (tanpa hentakan) dan adaptasi otomatis terhadap berbagai beban sehingga kerusakan mesin dan barang dapat dihindari. Panel ini dirakit dengan komponen soft starter sebagai komponen utama dan ditambah komponen pengaman (seperti MCCB/MCB) serta komponen control (seperti Contactor) yang mengoperasikan beban atau motor.
If you want to start and stop without inrush current, the best solution is using electric start or soft starter do the stop smoothly (without inrush current) and this can adapt automatically on all current condition so can hider machinery loss. This pane assembled as main component and added with safety component (like MCCB/MCB) also […]
A Pump Control functions to control water levels by automatically activing or disactivation one or more than one pump at certain levels of the water, at certain times, for a certain period of time, or by any other way of control. Manual activation or disactivation of the pump can also be provided.
Pengontrol pompa berfungsi untuk mengontrol katup-katup air yang secara otomatis menjalankan (aktivasi) atau menghentikan (disaktivasi) pekerjaan satu atau lebih pompa pada tingkat permukaan tertentu dari air pada saat tertentu, untuk satu periode tertentu atau dengan cara control lainnya. Aktivasi dan disaktivasi pompa tersebut juga dapat dibuatkan secara manual
A Pump Control functions to control water levels by automatically activing or disactivation one or more than one pump at certain levels of the water, at certain times, for a certain period of time, or by any other way of control. Manual activation or disactivation of the pump can also be provided. Pengontrol pompa […]
AC/DC Drive be assembled as a unit to manage the motor speed so produce a presision speed high torch to cycle current/motor at 1 (one) phase or 3 (three) phase in AC or DC. This panel using inverter as main component, and use to be grouped with PLC for getting total control against the flow of current dynamically for purpose.
Pengendali AC/DC merupakan pengendali kecepatan motor sehingga menghasilkan kecepatan dan torsi yang tinggi dengan tepat untuk memutar beban/motor baik pada motor 1 (satu) phase atau 3 (tiga) phase dengan tegangan AC maupun DC.
Panel ini menggunakan Inverter sebagai komponen utama, dan umumnya digabungkan dengan PLC untuk menghasilkan pengaturan yang terpadu terhadap gerakan beban yang dinamis untuk berbagai aplikasi.
On PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Comments Off on MONITORING CONTROL (SCADA) No tagsSupervisory Control Automatic and Data Acquisition. Supervisory Control Automatic and Data Acquisition (SCADA) is a computer based monitoring and system control, in which machinery/appliances operated automatically by Personnel Computer (PC) besides it can give information about appliances conditions in report data. System in SCADA must be completed by Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) as a control machinery and also as interface input signal (censoring) in the software system of SCADA.
Supervisory Control Automatical Data Acquisition (SCADA) adalah monitoring dan system control berbasis komputerisasi, dimana piranti peralatan/alat dioperasikan secara otomatis melalui Personel Computer (PC) dan dapat memberikan informasi keadaan/kondisi peralatan tersebut dalam sebuah data report. Sistem kerja dari SCADA ini harus dilengkapi dengan Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) sebagai piranti control dan juga interface (penghubung) input signal (yaitu sensor) kedalam system software SCADA.
Supervisory Control Automatic and Data Acquisition. Supervisory Control Automatic and Data Acquisition (SCADA) is a computer based monitoring and system control, in which machinery/appliances operated automatically by Personnel Computer (PC) besides it can give information about appliances conditions in report data. System in SCADA must be completed by Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) as a control […]
PJU is a power distribution panel, that directly supplies voltage resources from local to power panel, likes using on general street lamps.
Panel Jalan Umum (PJU) adalah panel distribusi beban, yang langsung menyediakan sumber tegangan dari panel lokal ke beban, seperti lampu penerangan jalan umum.
When two or more generator sets (gensets) are running together to supply the same system, these gensets must be synchronized manually or automatically so that they have identical phase sequence, voltage and frequency. We provide modular designs for Synchronous Panel to allow gensets in the future.
Pada saat dua atau lebih genset bekerja (hidup) secara bersamaan dalam mensuplai arus listrik ke system yang sama, genset-genset ini harus disinkronisasi secara manual atau otomatis sehingga mereka dapat bekerja berurutan (secara bergantian) dengan fasa, tegangan dan frekuensi yang sama. Kami siap membuat desain modul untuk Panel Pensinkron (Synchronous Panel) sebagai genset pelengkap(tambahan).
When two or more generator sets (gensets) are running together to supply the same system, these gensets must be synchronized manually or automatically so that they have identical phase sequence, voltage and frequency. We provide modular designs for Synchronous Panel to allow gensets in the future. Pada saat dua atau lebih genset bekerja (hidup) […]